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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Ger area Re-Planning project ‘Nogoon nuur’ residential town discussed to be implemented

Oyundelger 2018-01-09 08:01

A project on Re-planning in the Ger area agreed to be implemented with an assistance of Baotou city of China.

The discussion on project on Re-planning in the Ger area -  the peri-urban settlement with no centrally heated systems in the outskirt of the city, agreed to be implemented with an assistance of Baotou city of China was held during a meeting among P.Bayarkhuu, Ulaanbaatar city’s deputy Governor and Li Yun Jiang, head of the project and other officials.  During the meeting, constructing temporary-apartment town near Nogoon Nuur area within the framework of the “Ger area re-planning project” was discussed. According to the head of the project, Li Yun Jiang they submitted the proposal on choosing one of the three top-scored companies selected through a tender to Mongolia’s Ministry of Construction and Urban Development. After the selection, a constructional work will commence. This project will be implemented with CNY 350 million which is around 52.5mn USD worth non-refundable assistance of Chinese Government. Accordingly, the project will cover a residential town with eight 21-storey apartments, secondary school for 960 children, kindergarten for 240 children and heated parking for 240 automobiles with a shopping and service centre and playgrounds will be erected. The apartment construction on 4.2-hectare area that had been freed by resident citizens will also provide heating and electricity to their households.

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