Government standardizes sport of handball

The newly established standards have two parts including requirements for training facility and requirements for handball courts and tools.
The sport of handball in Mongolia has been standardized by the Implementing Agency of the Government and the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology. As the Mongolian Handball Federation noted, the newly established standards have two parts including requirements for training facility and requirements for handball courts and tools. It is emphasized that the standardization will bring the opportunity to ensure clean and safe gyms, professional training systems to prepare athletes from the very beginning and to effectively plan and organize competitions in Mongolia. Research work of analyzing the rules and standards of international institutions and its introduction to Mongolia took over a year according to the federation. Standardizing the sport was initiated with the efforts of the President, vice president and general secretary of the Mongolian Handball Federation. This project was introduced and supported by the conference of Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology. Please enjoy the musical break.
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