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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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National forum held for youth’s participation in sustainable development

Oyundelger 2017-12-13 08:12

Under the auspices of Prime Minister, national conference themed ‘Youth’s participation in sustainable development’ was jointly organized.

Under the auspices of Prime Minister, national conference themed ‘Youth’s participation in sustainable development’ was jointly organized by Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and Authority for Family, Child, and Youth Development at the State House with an aim to find solutions on tackling issues for the youth. The national conference was attended by 850 delegates comprising youths, scholars and scientists from nine districts of the capital city, 21 provinces, state organizations, NGOs, and international organizations. Investment to the youth is one of the solutions to develop and remove unemployment and poverty and attain development. The youth aged between 15 and 34 makes up 34.6 percent of the total population and 50 percent of working age population which verifies the fact that ‘Mongolia is a country of youth’ and its prosperity and development in the future. PM also highlighted the Government policies, tasks and programs targeted to support the youth.

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