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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Investors to finance renovation of urban and rural wastewater treatment plants

Oyundelger 2017-12-12 06:12

A consultative meeting of construction and urban development sector was held to introduce construction works to be made in upcoming years.

A consultative meeting of construction and urban development sector was held to introduce construction works to be made in upcoming years and necessary investment for it. According to Minister of Construction and Urban Development Kh.Badelkhan, development plan of Ulaanbaatar city up to 2030 is focused on developing suburb areas and decentralizing capital city by dividing the city into three parts: central, middle and suburb zones. Service Centers will be built in the middle zone or ger district area to create engineering networks of electricity and heating there whereas industrial parks will be established in suburban zone. In addition, renovation work of wastewater treatment plants in 21 provinces which is being accomplished with support and soft loan from Asian Development Bank, France and other countries started. During the meeting investors introduced their projects and programs that are being implemented in Mongolia. Specifically the US based Millennium Challenge Corporation reported about its grant of USD350 million in next five years to improve water supply of Ulaanbaatar city. ADB is targeting its investment to improvement of the infrastructure and water supply of ger districts in Ulaanbaatar city and 21 provinces underlined Arnaud Heckmann, ADB Senior Urban Development Specialist. ADB will build wastewater treatment plants with capacity of 3000 cubic meter in four provinces. ADB has invested USD 312.4 million in construction sector since its collaboration with Mongolia in 1991.

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