More than 4,000 cases of tuberculosis reported every year in Mongolia
In order to raise awareness and educate public, NCCD and Mongolian Association of Soum Doctors and Experts will be organizing a forum.
The majority of those who have tuberculosis or 70 percent of all patients are between the ages of 16 to 45 while 10 percent of patients are children. In order to raise awareness and educate the public, NCCD and the Mongolian Association of Soum Doctors and Experts will be organizing a forum. Ulaanbaatar residents account for 58.6 percent of all patients while those residing in the countryside account for 39.7 percent of all reported cases. Tuberculosis is listed in the top 10 deadliest diseases worldwide. As of 2016, Mongolia ranked third out of 37 countries in the Asia Pacific region in terms of the number of tuberculosis cases. Outside of premature mortality, tuberculosis has left many unable to work. According to statistics, 50 percent of individuals that have symptoms of tuberculosis, including a persistent cough for over 14 days, do not contact their doctor. Currently, more than 85 percent of cases are treated successfully while 10 to 15 percent of patients do not respond well to treatment and experience complications.
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