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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Two model courtrooms opened

Oyundelger 2017-11-22 07:11

Opening ceremony of Green Hall fully refurbished by investment of Judicial General Council of Mongolia took place.

Opening ceremony of the Green Hall fully refurbished by the investment of Judicial General Council of Mongolia took place.  Within the area of 234 square meters and height of 5.35 meter it consists of courtroom, waiting section with a LCD placed, consultation room, server and trial monitoring room. The courtroom where microphones and cameras are embedded is consisted of judge’s hence, witness stand, seats for defendant and plaintiff and benches and chairs for general public.  The wall, poles and furniture were painted green in order to provide comfort for attendees and observers. The Hall is connected to the courts in all the 21 provinces and it is significant for bringing judicial services close to citizens. In his opening speech, PhD N.Lundendorj, Chief of the Judicial General Court of Mongolia and State Honored Science Figure, underlined that the Green Hall is the second refurbished court hall by the Judicial General Council of Mongolia. “The reason why it is called model courtroom is because Mongolian judges should work in courtroom like this. On the other hand, we are refurbishing these court halls for judges to demand other model court halls from the Judicial Administrative Organization. The Judicial General Court of Mongolia had no budget for investment over last four years, but we managed to established two model courtrooms by saving”, he said.

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