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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolia participates in Global Conference on Tuberculosis

Oyundelger 2017-11-21 06:11

D.Sarangerel, Minister of Health represented Mongolia at Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Tuberculosis in Sustainable Development Era, held in Moscow, Russia.

D.Sarangerel, Minister of Health represented Mongolia at the Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Tuberculosis in the Sustainable Development Era, held in Moscow, Russia. The international conference brought together delegates from 114 countries, including 75 Ministers, who adopted a Ministerial Declaration, agreeing to take urgent actions to end tuberculosis. On the second day of the conference, the Mongolian Minister partook in the Ministerial parallel panel on Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress towards SDG Targets. Minister D.Sarangerel discussed key actions being taken in Mongolia to improve surveillance and monitoring among tuberculosis risk groups, underlining the importance of active tuberculosis screening in the risk groups, strengthening the intersectoral collaboration in national and local levels and enhancing the tuberculosis surveillance system. It is particularly important to advance the case-based online system for tuberculosis recording and reporting, improve the data processing potentials on national and local levels and consistently monitor the progress towards achieving national and international goals according to the Minister.

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