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Broadcast 22-12-2024

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Mongolian memory champion Yanjaa featured in the Steve Harvey show

Oyundelger 2017-11-10 08:11

23-year-old two-time memory champion Yanjaa Wintersoul has been presented in Steve Harvey show.

A 23-year-old two-time memory champion Yanjindulam Altansuh, aka Yanjaa Wintersoul has been presented in the Steve Harvey show. The show started stating the fact that she had memorized all 328 pages and 4,818 items of the new Ikea catalogue in just a week. Had been asked how she first revealed her talent, Wintersoul shared about her experience of discovering some techniques from a memory book at university when she was trying to finish the typical four-to five-year schedule business school in just two years. She demonstrated her skills on the show as she had memorized a book called “Jump” by Steve Harvey. When Steve Harvey named random page numbers, Yanjaa would effortlessly recall what was on the pages as if she was reading them. Notably, she won the traditional Harvey’s hundreds game which provoked an uproar form the audience as there was a bet of $100 worth prizes for everyone in the studio if she could win. Yanjaa is currently the highest-ranked Female Memory Champion of the World. Within her first year of memory training she got the gold medal at the World Memory Championships for remembering names and faces. The following year she got the world record by remembering names and faces of 187 international people in 15 minutes. 

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