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Broadcast 22-12-2024

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Mongolian cultural pieces registered in UNESCO heritage presented

Oyundelger 2017-11-03 10:11

Launch of new book named ‘UNESCO and Mongolia’ and photo exhibition entitled ‘Mongolian Cultural Heritage Inscribed throughout Globe’ took place in Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On occasion of the 55th anniversary of Mongolia joining the UNESCO, a launch of a new book named ‘UNESCO and Mongolia’ and a photo exhibition entitled ‘Mongolian Cultural Heritage Inscribed throughout the Globe’ took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As of today, almost 30 pieces of Mongolian culture have been registered in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage, and the exhibition displayed some of these pieces. The event was attended by senior diplomats, political and public figures, scientists and specialists, who witnessed the 55-year history of Mongolian cooperation with the UNESCO. Mongolia joined the UNESCO on November 1, 1962, becoming the 108th member.

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