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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Ger Plug-In Project addresses challenging issues in Mongolian capital city

Oyundelger 2017-11-02 06:11

Project envisions improving one thing that is owned by all residents — Ger itself — with help of infrastructure unit containing water tank, septic tank, and heating systems.

Rural Urban Framework’s Bayankhoshuu is one of the districts in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar. It is home to over 700,000 migrants from the countryside, with most of the population living in a traditional Mongolian ger, a movable structure made from timber, canvas, and felt. The community is faced with several problems with no running water, no sewage system, extreme winters with the temperature reaching -40 degree Celsius, and no waste disposal system. While on the city level, several projects have been undertaken to provide apartments and infrastructure services, these efforts hardly ever reach the ger district areas on the fringes. The "Ger Plug-In" project is an intervention by Rural-Urban Framework to address the problems faced by the Ger community urgently. The project envisions improving the one thing that is owned by all the residents — the Ger itself — with the help of an infrastructure unit containing water tank, septic tank, and heating systems. The Ger is plugged into this infrastructure system, thus hybridizing the residential unit with essential infrastructure. Designed by Joshua Bolchover of Rural Urban Framework, the project creates a new type of affordable housing, which is rooted in tradition and geared for the future at the same time.  

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