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Oyu Tolgoi releases Q3 2017 results setting three operational records

Oyundelger 2017-10-26 07:10

Oyu Tolgoi sets three operational records in Q3’17, maintains leading water and environmental performance.

Oyu Tolgoi sets three operational records in Q3’17, maintains leading water and environmental performance. It maintained position as one of the leaders in safety performance among mining peers. US$5.3mn invested in sustainable development programs in Q3, Gobi Oyu-funded Khanbogd Heating Plant expansion project breaks ground. Oyu Tolgoi released the latest edition of its scorecard updating its performance for the third quarter of 2017. The All Injury Frequency Rate personal safety measure was 0.25 per 200,000 hours worked in the third quarter, including operations and the underground project. Maintaining its focus on safety, Oyu Tolgoi invested in some 170 thousands hours of safety training across its workforce of over 11,000 employees and contractors over the period. Over the quarter, Oyu Tolgoi continued its positive contribution to the Umnugobi region, and Mongolia overall, through tax and other payments, procurement activities and investment in sustainable development projects. Gobi Oyu Development Support Fund continued to support sustainable development projects in Umnugobi. An expansion of the Khanbogd Heating Plant commenced to further support improvements in facilities and infrastructure in the local community. Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Mongolia's largest copper and gold mining company, is a strategic partnership between the Government of Mongolia, Turquoise Hill Resources and Rio Tinto. Located in the South Gobi, Oyu Tolgoi commenced shipment of product to customers in July 2013.

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