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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Taiwanese government donates wheelchairs to people with disabilities

Oyundelger 2017-10-20 05:10

Taiwanese Government donated some 230 wheelchairs to the people with physical disabilities.

Taiwanese government donates wheelchairs to people with disabilities. Taiwanese Government donated some 230 wheelchairs to the people with physical disabilities. There are over 100 thousand people with disabilities in Mongolia and the people with physical disability makes up over 3 percent of the population. The Representative Office of Taiwan in Ulaanbaatar had organized numerous humanitarian events past year, including the wheelchair donation. The Representative Office of Taiwan will continue organizing trainings, meetings and assistance measures by cooperating with the Rehabilitation and Training Center noted Ts.Ganchimeg, Director of the Rehabilitation and Training Center. The branch of the Taiwan Fund for Children and Family in Mongolia will help low-income citizens and households to survive winter. Furthermore, representative of the Representative Office of Taiwan in Ulaanbaatar noted that Taiwan and Mongolia are cooperating in expanding the bilateral ties in the economic and cultural spheres.

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