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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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International conference to discuss transport and logistics issues

Oyundelger 2017-10-11 06:10

An international conference themed ‘Regional Transport and Logistics Cooperation–Development Road’ is to be held in Ulaanbaatar.

International conference is to discuss transport and logistics issues. An international conference themed ‘Regional Transport and Logistics Cooperation–Development Road’ is to be held in Ulaanbaatar. The officials believe that the conference will help promote international and transit transport, develop cost-effective, safe and sustainable transport service, exchange experiences with other countries and lay the foundations for implementation of major projects so as to broaden the Mongolia’s cooperation with the international community in transport sector. The participants will also discuss projects in the scope of the Eurasian Economic Union and its correlation with the Trilateral Economic Corridor, economic cooperation with third countries, and infrastructure investment into the central transit transport corridor, railway projects, existing challenges and solutions. Attendees will be international delegates engaged in fields of transport, road and customs and railway sector.

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