Russian delegate sees assembling of airplane in MIAT
Russian delegation led by A.E.Lokot, Mayor of Novosibirsk visited Airplane Repair Unit of the Mongolian Airlines to see assembling of a new airplane TBC-2MC using basic frames of the AN-2 plane.
Russian delegate sees assembling of airplane in MIAT. The Russian delegation led by A.E.Lokot, Mayor of Novosibirsk visited Airplane Repair Unit of the Mongolian Airlines (MIAT) to see assembling of a new airplane TBC-2MC using basic frames of the AN-2 plane. Launched by engineers and technical experts of the Mongolian Airlines, this work was highly appreciated by the Russian delegation. After legging the unit, the sides exchanged views on possibilities of further cooperation. It is projected that the plane TBC-2MC would have some advantages, for instance, it uses a short runway and consumes a small amount of petroleum, yet the takeoff weight is relatively high. Once assembled, the plane could be used for general purposes in Mongolia, such as fighting forest and steppe fires, harmful insects as well as for tourism sector.
Views: 1970