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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Biggest library launched

Oyundelger 2017-10-06 05:10

The National University of Mongolia (NUM) inaugurated a new world-class library.

The biggest library is launched. The National University of Mongolia (NUM) inaugurated a new world-class library. The new library is opened in the framework of the celebration of the 75th historic anniversary of the foundation of the NUM, Mongolia’s oldest and leading university which has over 100 thousand alumni. The six-storey library building is fully equipped to serve as a model facility for academic research and reading for not only NUM students but everyone, regardless of age and occupation. Non-NUM readers seeking service will have to acquire a membership card. The library has a book lending service, newspaper and magazine reading room, NUM museum, bookstore, NUM Brand shop, catalogue room, lecture rooms, research laboratories and conference halls. At present, the library’s inventory comprises over 400 thousand paper and digital copies of books and publications. Moreover, the library incorporates a digital reading room where more than a thousand CDs, over two thousand master’s theses and access to 16 international online databases are available. With a capacity of serving 700 readers at a time, the brand new library also runs a modern boon restoration lab.

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