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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Memorandum of Understanding established with ADB on sustainable development of urban areas

Oyundelger 2017-10-06 05:10

The Ministry of Construction and Urban Development has established a memorandum of understanding with the ADB on improving sustainable development of urban areas and increasing its competitiveness.

Memorandum of Understanding established with ADB on sustainable development of urban areas. The Ministry of Construction and Urban Development has established a memorandum of understanding with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on improving sustainable development of urban areas and increasing its competitiveness. MOU will envisage a density and settlement area development program to be implemented with the investment of USD 2 million. In the scope of the program, a package plan to develop the capital city and 21 provinces in short and long term will be formulated and approved by the Mongolian Government and Parliament. The signing of the memorandum will become the start for further activities emphasized Arnaud Heckmann, a senior specialist of the ADB on urban development.

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