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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Youth startup projects under implementation in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2017-10-04 08:10

"Youth startup program" is launched to develop startups in local areas and to build startup ecosystem in provincial regions.

To encourage young entrepreneur startups in Mongolia the Swiss Development Association is funding a series of training workshop under the pilot project of “Youth Startup program”. The aim of the youth startup program is to develop startups in local areas and to build startup ecosystem in provincial regions. So far, 50 youths are participating in the training and the best business innovation from the attendants will be selected and funding worth up to MNT10 million will be granted. This will expected to increase motivation of startups led by youth and will lead to an increase in the number of youth being involved in training to gain knowledge and skills of running startup businesses. The youth startup program is being implemented in 10 provinces and two districts of the capital city. The pilot program is based on the conclusion of research on a current situation of startup and entrepreneurs in Mongolia, international models and practice to support startups, projects and operations implemented by governmental or nongovernmental organizations which support startups in Mongolia.

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