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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolia and USA exchange experts in health sphere

Oyundelger 2017-10-03 02:10

The second iteration of Regional Health Command-Pacific’s medical logistics and nursing subject matter expert exchange (SMEE) took place at the Military Medical Center of Mongolia, in Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolia and USA exchange experts in health sphere. The second iteration of Regional Health Command-Pacific’s medical logistics and nursing subject matter expert exchange (SMEE) took place at the Military Medical Center of Mongolia, in Ulaanbaatar. Nurses and bio-medical equipment technicians from RHC-P’s Tripler Army Medical Center, the 18th MEDCOM, as well as the U.S. Air Force, worked alongside hosts and colleagues from the Mongolian Armed Forces, directly supporting the region’s objectives of providing medically ready forces while conducting health service support. The group built upon established relationships with the military and civilian nurses in Mongolia while continuing their work on establishing a framework as it relates to medical equipment procurement, employment and maintenance as well as exchanging ideas about providing nursing care in deployed environments. The participants also discussed leadership development, overall patient care and emergency care. The entire team was honored to be a part of the SMEE and for the opportunity to interact with our military and civilian counterparts in Mongolia.

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