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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolia adopts program towards children development

Oyundelger 2017-09-22 06:09

National program to be implemented to make environment for children safer

The Cabinet Meeting adopted a national program on children's development and protection. To be implemented until 2021, the national program aims to make environment for children safer, to support their development and to create healthy and safe atmosphere. In addition, the program's objectives are to motivate children's talent and to prevent any kind of violence over children, child labor and neglecting of children. Obligations were given to the Ministers, Ulaanbaatar City Mayor and Governors of provinces to place necessary money in the annual budgets and in the Basic Guideline for Development and to involve the program in projects and programs of international organizations.  There are still issues must be tackled related to children, although the country has been seeing some progress in the legal landscape of child protection, an improvement of the quality and adequacy of health services for children. 

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