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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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World Bank to support pre-school education in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2017-09-15 07:09

World Bank to support pre-school education in Mongolia.

World Bank to support pre-school education in Mongolia. G.Chuluunbaatar, World Bank’s country manager for Mongolia, Mr. James Anderson told to implement new projects to provide equally accessible preschool based on World Bank’s research “Increasing quality and accessibility of preschool education” conducted in March this year. According to the study, the children in both the capital and regional area are not receiving equal accessibility to preschool education. In order to implement the project, the bank estimated that a total of USD 15 million will be required to build new kindergartens and increase capacity of the existing ones in the limited access areas. Furthermore, the bank has set goals to broaden the scope of preschool education projects nationwide for the herders’ children.

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