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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Air pollution monitoring to be strengthened

Oyundelger 2017-09-13 06:09

Air pollution monitoring to be strengthened.

Air pollution monitoring to be strengthened. The third stage of a project on strengthening the air pollution monitoring will be implemented. This project has been implemented since 2010, and its first and second stages were realized in the past seven years. In accordance with a request to the Government of Japan, the project’s third stage is expected to launch next year and last for five years. Concerning the matter, a protocol of the project was signed. Before the signing, a meeting was held in order to discuss works to be done within the project. When the protocol is delivered to the Government of Japan, the project’s actions will start. The project’s first and second stages mainly focus on empowering specialists on the air pollution reduction and the renovation of air pollution monitoring devices in Ulaanbaatar.

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