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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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‘American days’ expo to be organized

Oyundelger 2017-09-11 08:09

‘American days’ expo to be organized.

‘American days’ expo to be organized. The fourth annual American Days Expo is co-hosted by American Chamber Mongolia (AmCham) and the United States Embassy in Ulaanbaatar. The AmCham informed that Khan Bank, a leading commercial bank in Mongolia and an AmCham member, will be the official payment solutions provider of the Expo. The Expo is organized every year to showcase U.S. products and services available to the public, and to build awareness about companies in Mongolia that are offering leading expertise and technology. Since its inception, participation in the expo has grown significantly, growing from 50 exhibitors in 2014 to over 90 exhibitors in 2016. The Expo’s organizers anticipate the return of satisfied veteran exhibitors and look forward to welcoming new ones, and expect many more visitors to attend this year.

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