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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Ulaanbaatar partnership-2017 exhibition organized

Oyundelger 2017-09-08 07:09

Ulaanbaatar partnership-2017 exhibition is being organized.

Ulaanbaatar partnership-2017 exhibition is being organized.  The event will is organized by the Administration Office of Ulaanbaatar and the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) with purposes to promote national products and to back domestic enterprises. The exhibition is expected to attract over 70 enterprises from six countries including, Mongolia, Russia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Czech Republic to advertize their over 120 kinds of products. Exhibitors will offer discounts and promotions on their products. The best eco-friendly and healthy products will be selected and rewarded with awards from the capital city's Governor. Taiwanese companies will introduce medical and electrical equipment, food product, cosmetics and wood processing equipment, while Czech companies will present their milk processing and dairy equipment. Also Hong Kong companies will promote their sale of pearls and jewellery, and Russian companies will bring honey and food products. National companies will take part with construction materials, medicine, cosmetics, cashmere and wool products, handcrafts and food products.

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