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Broadcast 08-01-2025

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Coal Mongolia to discuss PRC's coal sector reform

Oyundelger 2017-08-30 05:08

The international conference and exhibition “Coal Mongolia-2017” will be taking place in mid September and Mongolian mining sector policy, plans, investment, legal and tax environments, challenges and

Mongolia’s biggest coal industry conference is to discuss PRC's coal sector reform. The international conference and exhibition “Coal Mongolia-2017” will be taking place in mid September and Mongolian mining sector policy, plans, investment, legal and tax environments, challenges and opportunities will be discussed. Main presentation will be given by Chief Advisor on International Energy Cooperation of Fenwei Energy Information Services Co.,Ltd WK on  the theme as “China’s coal sector reform and development policy”.  Also, discussions will be held on China’s coking coal market, demand, supply, price and competition, future prospects of China’s coal supply, further opportunity and competition and role of Mongolia in Volatile Met Coal Markets. Mongolia’s coal sector revived in 2017 as demand for coking coal in China increased and Mongolia wants to keep the export steady.

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