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Broadcast 26-01-2025

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Mongolian scouts invite volunteers for Asia-Pacific Jamboree

Oyundelger 2017-07-06 01:07

The 31st Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree is planned to be held in Ulaanbaatar between July 27 and August 2.

Mongolian scouts invite volunteers for Asia-Pacific Jamboree. The 31st Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree is planned to be held in Ulaanbaatar between July 27 and August 2. The 2017 APR Jamboree is gathering about 6,000 kids from more than 50 countries under the motto “Go Nomad.” The jamboree is being carried out from one station to another. The first station will be a Nomadic Culture Complex for international participants to get familiar with the nomadic lifestyle and traditions. The next one will be an Adventure Complex, challenging the Scouts’ bravery and teamwork skills. At the third station, the Science Complex, kids will enjoy scientific experiments and increase their knowledge. The next stations are Bouncy Island Complex, Social Development Village and Leisure Time Complex, where the participants can enjoy sports games, learn new songs and dance. This year, the Scout Association of Mongolia is hosting the action in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the World Scout Bureau. The inception of Mongolian Scouts dates back to 1991 when 39 children took an oath to be scouts at an International Children’s Camp outside of Ulaanbaatar.

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