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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Employment to increase

Oyundelger 2017-06-29 06:06

The Cabinet decided to spend the World Bank’s USD 25 million soft loan on a project to increase employment.

Employment to increase. The Cabinet decided to spend the World Bank’s USD 25 million soft loan on a project to increase employment. The project aims to help unemployed and self-employed citizens and young people of an age range 15-34 to find jobs, attend trainings, and grant loans. In particular, the project will mediate 128 thousand citizens including 60 thousand women to stable jobs, with 10 thousand citizens each year being provided with vocational training and granted loans. The 2016-2020 action program of the Cabinet envisions that employment rate will be increased among young people and the number of foreign workers will be decreased by more than 50 percent. 

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