UNFPA supports gender issue development in Mongolia
Orange Sessions Volunteer artists and members of the UN Youth Advisory Panel came together for a Gender-based Violence Messaging Workshop conducted by the UNFPA's Gender and communications teams.
UNFPA supports gender issue development in Mongolia. Orange Sessions Volunteer artists and members of the UN Youth Advisory Panel (Orange Sessions co-organizers) came together for a Gender-based Violence Messaging Workshop conducted by the UNFPA's Gender and communications teams. Participants reviewed gender perceptions and concepts, got on the same page about effectively communicating GBV, learned about brand development and marketing Orange Sessions, the UNFPA signature event where "music is the medium, youth are the voices and ending violence against women and girls is the message." Members of the "Forever Young Crew", all of whom are part of our roster of Orange Sessions Volunteer Artists recently received their Honorable Mention Certificate and gifts from UN Women Asia and the Pacific for their participation in the SayNO - UNiTE to End Violence Against Women Song Contest held earlier this year. The song called "Orange the World" is all about how we all have to be aware and work together to end violence. UNFPA is proud to support these talented young artists as they partner with us to end GBV in Mongolia --- and now, because of this great song and video, throughout the world. After 4 years of musical performances at fresh venues and the recent Orange Sessions Volunteer Artists Honorable Mention award for the original entry to the UNiTE to End Violence Against Women Song Contest.
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