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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Private sector leaders develop recommendations for presidential candidates at Amcham monthly meeting

Oyundelger 2017-05-19 04:05

‘Developing Private Sector Recommendations for the Presidential Candidates’ themed discussion was held at the American Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting.

Private sector leaders develop recommendations for presidential candidates at Amcham monthly meeting. ‘Developing Private Sector Recommendations for the Presidential Candidates’ themed discussion was held at the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) monthly meeting. The guest speakers provided their perspectives on the medium and long-term development of Mongolia, recommendations for the presidential candidates, and outlooks on the post-election political environment. “AmCham gave their recommendations and suggestions for the presidential candidates, in terms of further improving Mongolia’s private sector. AmCham Mongolia expressed its readiness to work with the next president in creating an enabling business environment and a strong private sector in Mongolia said Mr. Jay Liotta, the Chairman of AmCham and Letterhead Partner of MahoneyLiotta LLP, during his closing remarks.


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