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Broadcast 02-01-2025

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Mongolian land desertification status revealed

Oyundelger 2017-05-05 03:05

Report on Environmental State for 2015-2016 highlights that 76.8 percent of the Mongolian territory has been struck by desertification as a consequence of fast-spreading dryness in the recent years.

Mongolian land desertification status revealed. Report on Environmental State for 2015-2016 highlights that 76.8 percent of the Mongolian territory has been struck by desertification as a consequence of fast-spreading dryness in the recent years. The main cause of desertification was the 2.5 times increase in the population of livestock since 1990 and failure to maintain the traditional methods of pasture rotation and going on search for better grazing lands, says the report. Another concern is the increased frequency of atmospheric hazards. In specific, average of 30 atmospheric incidents were observed each year from 1990 and 2000, whereas the number had doubled between 2001 and 2016. For instance, the number of days with dust storms went up to 47 in 2015 from 37 in 2014. Climate change, pastoral degradation and improper mining activities have speeded up the drying process of surface waters – springs, rivers, ponds and lakes. The report was presented by Minister of Environment and Tourism, Ms D.Oyunkhorol at a cabinet meeting.

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