Mongolia to lead on disaster strategy target
Mongolia has pledged to lead by example, and inspire countries across Asia to meet the most pressing target of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Mongolia to lead on disaster strategy target. Mongolia has pledged to lead by example, and inspire countries across Asia to meet the most pressing target of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, a global blueprint for tackling natural and human-induced hazards. Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia Mr. Khurelsukh said it was vital for countries and cities across the world’s most hazard-prone region to develop or redraft national and local disaster risk reduction plans in line with the Sendai Framework to save lives and protect development gains. The Sendai Framework, adopted by the international community in 2015, aims to bring about substantial reductions in disaster losses by 2030. To achieve that, it sets an interim target date of 2020 for national and local governments to have disaster risk reduction plans in place. Mr. Khurelsukh issued his call for action as Mongolia signed a Statement of Cooperation with UNISDR to host and co-organize the next Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in July 2018. Mongolia was determined to use the AMCDRR as an opportunity to showcase how the nation’s prioritization of disaster risk reduction governance had made a clear positive impact on the ground. Mongolia is deeply concerned by the increase in frequency and number of occurrences of natural and human induced disasters and their negative consequences and damages, as well the possibility of creating new risks.
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