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Mongolian athletes to run 10-day marathon in New York

Oyundelger 2017-04-07 07:04

The Twenty-Second Annual Sri Chinmoy Ten-Day Race starts on April 17 in New York.

Mongolian athletes to run 10-day marathon in New York. The Twenty-Second Annual Sri Chinmoy Ten-Day Race starts on April 17 in New York. This race is held concurrently with the Twentieth Annual Sri Chinmoy Six-Day Race which starts on April 21. In this extreme race, international runners come to test their endurance, skill with pacing, and ability to recover from the stress of constantly moving. From Mongolia, the best five athletes of ultra-marathon, including A.Budjargal, Master of Athletics and Mountain Sports will take part in this competition. In this regard, he is one of the best athletes, who has been running in marathon for more than 20 years. 

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