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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolian medical college teachers to be trained at Harvard Medical School

Oyundelger 2017-04-05 03:04

Nearly 100 Mongolian medical college teachers will be given training in teaching skills by the Harvard Medical School (HMS) Training to Teacher (T2T) faculty members.

Mongolian medical college teachers to be trained at Harvard Medical School. Nearly 100 Mongolian medical college teachers will be given training in teaching skills by the Harvard Medical School (HMS) Training to Teacher (T2T) faculty members. It has been envisaged in a "Training the Teachers" program. An agreement to this effect was signed with the Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports. Those who finish the program will receive certificates from the Harvard Medical School. The Training to Teacher Program (T2T) is a 9-month-long blended program which guides learners in their exploration of modern medical education pedagogy and innovative teaching techniques. The T2T program is an opportunity for instructors, from those less experienced to seasoned educators, to enhance their knowledge and skills in medical education. Throughout the course, participants will engage in individual and team projects which actively model instruction techniques.

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