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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolian peacekeepers save refugees

Oyundelger 2017-03-29 06:03

The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) has reported that Mongolian peacekeepers in Bentiu have saved the lives of domestic refugees during a kidnap attempt.

Mongolian peacekeepers save refugees. The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) has reported that Mongolian peacekeepers in Bentiu have saved the lives of domestic refugees during a kidnap attempt. On 22nd of March, militants fighting the South Sudanese government beat nearly 30 displaced people in a vegetable garden near a refugee camp and tried to kidnap some of the young men. Fortunately, at that moment Mongolian peacekeepers, who were conducting a patrol in the area arrived on the scene and saved the innocent refugees.

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