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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Remains of god statue unearthed in western Gobi-Altai province

Oyundelger 2017-03-28 06:03

Location of Chinghis Khan’s military stronghold Chinhai, set up in 1212, has been found, a research team of Mongolia-Japan Joint Expedition Project ‘Inscription’ announced during a press conference.

Remains of god statue unearthed in western Gobi-Altai province. Location of Chinghis Khan’s military stronghold Chinhai, set up in 1212, has been found, a research team of Mongolia-Japan Joint Expedition Project ‘Inscription’ announced during a press conference. The said stronghold’s location has been determined to be in Sharga soum of Gobi-Altai province, namely a ruin named Khalzan Shireg; what’s more, remains of a god statue dating back to the 13th century were unearthed at the site following an excavation conducted last September. The ‘Inscription’ project has focused on the Khalzan Shireg site since 2001 to thus conclude that not only is the ruin a former military stronghold of Chinghis Khan, but it also connected the east and west regions of Eurasia, and perhaps could have been a spiritual stronghold. Launched in 1993, the ‘Inscription’ project involves researchers from Japanese Otani University and Ryukoku University, International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations and Mongolian University of Science and Technology.

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