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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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National Program on Reducing Air Pollution approved

Oyundelger 2017-03-21 05:03

The program bans usage of raw coal for fuel in traditional dwelling Ger areas, entities and other organizations.

National Program on Reducing Air Pollution is approved. The program bans usage of raw coal for fuel in traditional dwelling Ger areas, entities and other organizations. As a result, the air pollution in the capital city Ulaanbaatar is estimated to decrease by 80 percent and toxic particles and sulphuric dioxide by more than 50 percent. The target groups will receive processed fuel, electric heater and nighttime power-meter at discounted prices. Tax alleviations will be offered to producers and manufacturers of technologies and new ideas, as well as to environmentally friendly value-added and import-substituting products. Moreover, the government will shortly submit for parliamentary consideration a bill on establishing an anti-air-pollution fund and draft amendments to related laws targeted at protecting the environment, reducing environmental pollution, determining stakeholders’ responsibilities for rehabilitation and for improving public participation and monitoring.

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