Educational campaign named “A Mongolian” launched
It aims to pass down the traditional values, compassion for the surrounding environment, to discover and support children’s talents.
Educational campaign named “A Mongolian” is launched. It aims to pass down the traditional values, compassion for the surrounding environment, to discover and support children’s talents, and bring up the next generation as creative, responsible, far-sighted, hospitable, friendly and honest citizens. The campaign is part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Policy on National Development under the Sustainable Development Goals. Throughout the years until 2020, 623 public and private kindergartens, 225 general education schools and eight educational centers will be involved in the campaign. Education is not just to teach reading and writing, but it has to be an instrument to bring up an individual who possesses responsible life skills and ethical values. Therefore, improving educational services and concern for children’s upbringing must be in forefront of priorities for educational institutions, said J.Gantulga, head of the Education Department speaking at the campaign launching ceremony.
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