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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mobile health technology improves primary healthcare services

Oyundelger 2017-03-13 08:03

The mobile technology helps prevent and reveal diseases at an early stage and the technology is proper to provide sparsely populated people with primary healthcare service.

Mobile health technology improves primary healthcare services. The mobile technology helps prevent and reveal diseases at an early stage and the technology is proper to provide sparsely populated people with primary healthcare service, stated the Health Minister commenting on the introduction of the mobile health technology in primary healthcare services. The project “Introduction of mobile health technology at the primary healthcare and community level in Mongolia ”has been implemented in some districts and the capital city and in South Gobi province aims to improve health state of population, particularly vulnerable groups through introducing mobile health technology at the primary healthcare and community level. In the scope of the project some 13000 people have been involved in health examination and diagnosis to reveal non-infectious diseases at an early stage and in health education program. Moreover, vehicles and equipment necessary for mobile healthcare service have been supplied and medical officers have been trained to use mobile equipment. The project is to be expanded to some other districts of the capital city and a number of rural provinces.

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