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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolia signs visa exemption agreement with Argentina

Oyundelger 2017-03-10 06:03

Mongolia signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption for holders of all passports.

Mongolia signs visa exemption agreement with Argentina. Mongolia signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption for holders of all passports during the 1st political consultative meeting between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina hosted in Ulaanbaatar. The meeting considered means of developing bilateral political, trade, economic and humanitarian ties, and discussed short-term goals for cooperation in all possible sectors. The parties pointed out opportunities of cooperation in the agricultural sector. Argentina exposed preparedness to share its experience of eradicating highly contagious animal diseases, send Argentine agricultural specialists out to Mongolia and to have Mongolians studying agriculture and diplomacy in Argentina.

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