Local governance to be improved through capacity strengthening
A memorandum of cooperation is signed between the Governor’s Office of the Capital City Ulaanbaatar and the Management Academy and the Asia Foundation.
Local governance is to be improved through capacity strengthening. A memorandum of cooperation is signed between the Governor’s Office of the Capital City Ulaanbaatar and the Management Academy and the Asia Foundation. The memorandum will envisage the parties’ collaboration in capacity strengthening of officers of local administration units including governors, managers, and social workers, members of livelihood support councils and heads of units. According to chairman of the Governor’s Office of the Capital City, Mr. Otgonbayar, the trainings for improving public servants’ knowledge and skills will be held with finance of the Swiss Development Agency and with support of the Asia Foundation and the Management Academy. He also adds that curriculum will be developed for public servants, who work at primary administrative level. “Improving governance of the city” project has been implemented for 3.5 years since 2015 with the funding of the Swiss Development Agency and the Asia Foundation.
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