Program to promote preventing against HIV/AIDS being organized successfully

Since 2003, Mongolia has received USD 57.9 million from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Program to promote preventing against HIV/AIDS is being organized successfully. Since 2003, Mongolia has received USD 57.9 million from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Out of that investment, USD 21.5 million has been spent on measures to prevent HIV and AIDS. The non-refundable aid of the Global Fund has made great contributions to fulfilling international objectives, national policy and the implementation of the HIV/AIDS prevention plan. On 10th February, a consultative meeting took place with the stakeholders formulating the next stage of the project against HIV/AIDS and discussing the national program to prevent and monitor infectious diseases between 2017 and 2021. Around 70 percent of the total investment on national measures comes from the Global Fund. Civil society organizations, health and other sectors are involved in the implementation of comprehensive HIV prevention steps to keep the HIV rate at a low level. The current project funds are being used on expanding the prevention program for a specific group, improving the quality and accessibility of care services at all levels and strengthening the monitoring system of the program.
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