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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Cooperative development proper option to create jobs

Oyundelger 2017-02-02 06:02

New cooperative movement has been developing for over the past 20 years, changing its characteristics and basic principles dramatically compared to cooperatives in socialist regime, noted Minister of Food, Agriculture and Heavy Industry P.Sergelen at the 5th forum of National cooperatives.

Cooperative development is proper option to create jobs. New cooperative movement has been developing for over the past 20 years, changing its characteristics and basic principles dramatically compared to cooperatives in socialist regime, noted Minister of Food, Agriculture and Heavy Industry P.Sergelen at the 5th forum of National cooperatives. The cooperative development is a beneficial option to create jobs in short term with minimum cost and boost industrialization in a country like Mongolia with small population and small market. Therefore, the Government approved ‘Social scale program to develop cooperatives-II’ and has been implementing it with a view to improve collaboration between cooperatives and supportive institutes, increase cooperatives’ contribution to society through creating favorable legal and economic environment, to develop small and medium enterprises intensively and improve competitiveness, Mr. Minister underlined. At the national forum, the participants representing some 4200 cooperatives appreciated incentives for animal skin, wool and cashmere as effective means to support cooperatives and favor for cooperatives’ participation in stock exchange trade.  

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