Asia Foundation to support Ulaanbaatar eco development
In order to help solve these challenges, the Asia Foundation concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the Ulaanbaatar City Administration on eco development.
Asia Foundation to support Ulaanbaatar eco development. In order to help solve these challenges, the Asia Foundation concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the Ulaanbaatar City Administration on eco development. The memorandum envisages to support Ulaanbaatar's general plan for eco development and help implement stand-alone eco projects that would help resolve some serious problems of Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar like air and soil pollution and draining of its underground water reserve. The strain is the result of the fact that following the tumultuous changes at the beginning of the century, the population literally doubled when thousands gave moved from the countryside in search of a better life in the city. The migration caused the appearance of the sprawling 'ger districts', shantytowns situated mostly on the city's north side. Surrounded by four mountains, the coal burning ‘ger’ districts are transforming Ulaanbaatar, the world's coldest capital city, into one of most air-polluted places on the planet.
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