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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Hungary to produce foreign passports for Mongolia

Odonchimeg 2017-01-19 10:01

Mongolia signed agreement with the Hungarian State Printing Company for replacing foreign passports with ‘smart’ or e-passports.

Hungary is to produce foreign passports for Mongolia. Mongolia signed agreement with the Hungarian State Printing Company for replacing foreign passports with ‘smart’ or e-passports. The main change is the inclusion of a new international standard data chip. During the meeting between the director of the General Authority for State Registration and the president and trade executive of the Hungarian State Printing Company, the two sides discussed possible ways of altering the agreement and reducing the cost of printing the ‘smart’ passports; the original contract had been fixed at EUR 9.5. Currently, there are over 1 million people foreign passport holders in Mongolia. According to the official website of the State Registration and Statistical Authority of Mongolia, the new chip passports will mean that Mongolian citizens will have fewer problems when crossing borders and will have more security. 

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