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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Food security in focus of government attention

Odonchimeg 2017-01-09 09:01

Ensuring food safety is an issue that matters to everyone, and requires coordination between government and non-government organizations working in the sector and active participation of private sectors, noted Mr. Prime Minister presenting food security report at Parliament.

Food security is in focus of government attention. Ensuring food safety is an issue that matters to everyone, and requires coordination between government and non-government organizations working in the sector and active participation of private sectors, noted Mr. Prime Minister presenting food security report at Parliament. Mr. Prime Minister introduced the measures the Cabinet is planning to realize in regard to food security. The Cabinet’s upcoming actions include creating and utilizing an integrated registration database in order to ensure the implementation of food law, food security law and the organic food law; boosting the implementation of the food law and the food security law; proposing draft bills on enriched food and functional food; formulating and realizing the ‘Healthy food – Healthy Mongolian’ national program; organizing ‘The first campaign on meat and milk’ in order to ensure stable supply of healthy food in every season; regularizing proper production and sanitary practice in food processing factories, and adopting a relevant instruction; realizing organic food law, and promoting the production and trade of organic foods; taking measures directed at upgrading public awareness and knowledge on food safety; and resolving the issue of standard storage of perishable fragile food items. 

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