Apex of Sky statue mounted
Capital city’s central Sukhbaatar Square decorated with the Tengeriin Urkh or Apex of the Sky, a statue to commemorate the successful organization of the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM11) in Mongolia.
Apex of the Sky statue mounted. Capital city’s central Sukhbaatar Square decorated with the Tengeriin Urkh or Apex of the Sky, a statue to commemorate the successful organization of the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM11) in Mongolia. The Apex of the Sky was also created in commemoration of the historic events that took place in 2016, which marked the 55th anniversary of Mongolia’s entry to the United Nations and 105th anniversary of the victory of the National Liberation Movement and the restoration of our nation’s freedom and independence. The giant blue globe-shaped statue supported by tree branches was designed by Mongolian artist A.Chadraabal, a Mongolian Arts Council award winner. Signatures of the state heads of 53 countries that participated in ASEM11 were embossed and carved on the front of the statue. The back of the statue depicts a view of the sky through toono, the opening and upper frame on top of a ger. The Apex of the Sky statue looks like an eye from the top and brain from its sides. The Apex of the Sky statue will improve the facade of the capital. Mongolia successfully organized ASEM11 in July 2016.
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