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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Dual citizenship to be approved

Odonchimeg 2017-01-04 11:01

According to Section 4.1 of the Law on Citizenship, Mongolia forbids dual or multiple citizenship, but dual citizenship has been hotly debated in recent years.

Dual citizenship is to be approved. According to Section 4.1 of the Law on Citizenship, Mongolia forbids dual or multiple citizenship, but dual citizenship has been hotly debated in recent years. The majority of Mongolians believe that dual and multiple citizenship are mostly applied in developed countries with large populations, and they think that small countries like Mongolia – with a population of only three million people – should not allow multiple citizenship. The Government of Mongolia is studying the dual citizenship issue, and that Mongolian citizenship would only be issued to Mongolians living abroad and those born abroad, and that what the government is studying does not involve non-Mongolian foreigners. Under the Law on Citizenship, if a Mongolian citizen holds foreign citizenship, he or she automatically loses his or her Mongolian citizenship. Since 1998, over 4,800 children from Mongolian families were born abroad and 2,181 of them have faced challenges with the loss of their Mongolian citizenship. Allowing dual citizenship for children who have a Mongolian father and mother is the best choice. Of course, studying international practices and challenges, and being making sure that amendments to the Law on Citizenship follow basic legal principles are very high priorities when discussing the dual citizenship issue. 

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