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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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General plan on population distribution and settlement to be developed

Oyundelger 2017-01-04 11:01

The Cabinet established a national committee in charge of organizing works to develop a “General plan on population distribution and settlement of Mongolia’ and prepare for approval.

General plan on population distribution and settlement is to be developed. The Cabinet established a national committee in charge of organizing works to develop a “General plan on population distribution and settlement of Mongolia’ and prepare for approval. Due to population growth, economic and social development and activation of industry, significant changes have occurred in population settlement and density, changing lifestyle of residents and leading to ecological deterioration. Therefore, it is needed to carry-out actions with a regard to proper human settlement that is compatible with the geographical situation and other relevant problems. Accordingly, the committee is to study and analysis on the current situation of population settlement and identify the pros and cons, and to define suitable areas and regions for human settlement in the countryside as well as define the location and role of cities and settlement areas to be newly established considering the social and economic development, livelihood profile of population, climate and weather conditions as well as natural resources. Also, it is to plan measures in favor of the complex development of the main infrastructure fields, including road, transportation, communication and energy, in compliance with a policy on territorial organization, to perform a comprehensive evaluation on urbanization and define their development trends, to recognize issues related to tourism industry, natural protection, history and culture in accordance with the population distribution and urban development policy, and to develop feasibility on the transition from one centered system to multi-centered and define the future perspective of development. 

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