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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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ADB projects aimed to improve livelihoods, environment and gender equity signed

Oyundelger 2017-01-04 01:01

The Government of Mongolia and Asian Development Bank signed three grant agreements altogether totaling USD 4.8 million.

ADB projects aimed to improve livelihoods, environment and gender equity signed. The Government of Mongolia and Asian Development Bank signed three grant agreements altogether totaling USD 4.8 million. The grant agreements are financed from the Government of Japan. The three projects are to promote gender equality, provide affordable sanitation for low-income communities in capital city, and build sustainable tourism in Mongolia’s northern region at Khuvsgul Lake National Park. Under the gender equality project some 1,400 government officials, civil society, and media practitioners will receive training in gender policies, while an innovative media campaign will help sensitize the general population on gender equality. For the environment project the grant will support the design phase for tourism and conservation project. The park encompasses more than 1 million hectares of snow-capped mountains and Khuvsgul Lake, which supports 70% of Mongolia’s and 1% of the world’s freshwater. The park is one of the most visited destinations in Mongolia, and tourism is bringing much needed economic benefits, but sewage and litter are damaging the lake system. The technical designs will address tourism, livelihoods, and conservation in a sustainable and integrated manner, for subsequent implementation. The third grant project will develop and pilot systems for the collection, transport, and treatment of waste, including affordable toilets for communities, in two pilot districts of Ulaanbaatar, namely Bayanzurkh and Chingeltei. Many ger areas have little or no access to sanitation and water, and suffer from poor sanitation, disease, and low quality of life. The project will provide a model to scale up on-site sanitation in Mongolia.  

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