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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Cabinet considers covering treatment cost for children with flu

Odonchimeg 2016-12-20 11:12

Mongolian Parliament members will take some necessary measures to reduce the high incidents of flu and respiratory diseases among the children.

Cabinet considers covering treatment cost for children with flu. Mongolian Parliament members will take some necessary measures to reduce the high incidents of flu and respiratory diseases among the children. Such measures include the revision of regulations to allow the parental leave for legal guardians of the children, who are sick with respiratory illness, and covering the treatment costs from the health insurance fund. Furthermore, the head of Mongolian government assigned the associated Ministers to study the feasibilities to allocate some MNT 1 billion funding to cover the cost of treatment and medicines for the most dominant diseases among children, to organize quarantines in some areas and adjust the seasonal breaks of general education schools. According to the Health Ministry, patients with respiratory illness are making up 5.5 percent of the total number of patients being treated in ambulatories. Due to the overload and lack of beds in hospitals, parents and children receive only one day or two days of treatment in ambulatories. Consequently, the shortfall of necessary antibiotics for children and ineffectiveness of the short-term treatment have been observed. Nearly 90 percent of patients suffering from acute respiratory infection are children aged below 4 years.  

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