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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolia discovers potential new cancer treatment

Odonchimeg 2016-12-05 09:12

Academician D.Batsuren was awarded to the Natural and Social Sciences Award and MNT 100 million cash prize for his thesis themed “Unique principle of Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites in Medicinal Herbs of Mongolia and a Potential New Agent for Curing Cancers”.

Mongolian academician discovered potential new cancer treatment means. Academician D.Batsuren was awarded to the Natural and Social Sciences Award and MNT 100 million cash prize for his thesis themed “Unique principle of Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites in Medicinal Herbs of Mongolia and a Potential New Agent for Curing Cancers”. The idea of Mongolian Academician D.Batsuren is being studied in more than 150 countries. Academician D.Batsuren has been conducting researches and experiments for more than 40 years and studied nearly 50 plant species, and identified and defined over 300 substances. Academician D.Batsuren discovered 37 natural compounds, recovered 22 pure substances from haplophyllum and discovered 7 new substances. It’s believed that the utilization of the new substances in cancer treatment would help save many lives and protect the health of Mongolians. 

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